KSW Insight Newsletter | January 2023

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January 2023 | VOLUME 174
KSW Newsletter for clients and associates of Kreston Stanley Williamson

Unlisted Investments in SMSFs – what are the investment rules?

One of the main advantages of a SMSF is the investment flexibility for trustees to invest in a wide range of investments including unlisted investments and private company shares. Such investment opportunities and diversification can be advantageous, however, care must be taken to ensure the unlisted investment does not breach any Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SISA) investment rules.

Our full article here, explains the investment rules in detail for unlisted investments in SMSFs.

Will paying that dividend affect the director’s duty to creditors?

Do company directors have a duty to their creditors? A recent UK Supreme Court case confirmed the existence of a duty owed by directors of a company to creditors of that company in certain circumstances and this has implications for Australian companies and their directors. 

Our full article here, explains in detail when a company is required to pay a dividend, the factors relevant for creditor duty and other implications for directors.

The Pitfalls of Finance Letters: Understanding risks and alternatives for securing bank financing 

As a client of an accounting firm, you may be considering asking your tax accountant to provide a “finance letter” in order to help you access small business finance from a bank or other financial institution. While this may seem like a useful tool for securing financing, the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ), has recently issued guidance to its members on the topic of finance letters, advising them to exercise a high degree of caution when considering requests to provide such letters for clients.

Our full article here, explains the importance of being aware of the risks involved and the guidance provided by professional accounting bodies on this issue.

Life at KSW – new addition to the team

We’re delighted to announce and warmly welcome our latest addition to the Kreston Stanley Williamson team, Pamela Perry. Pamela has joined our team as our new Head of Growth & Marketing after her successful stints at Salesforce and Adobe in sales and strategy for APAC.

Pamela’s major goal will be spearheading the management of our client service initiatives with focus on ensuring that the client experience with KSW is optimised. She will also work to take our marketing initiatives to the next level with potential new client acquisition and entrances into new and exciting fields.

Pamela will also be working with our assurance and advisory teams assisting with strategic client & corporate consulting solutions where her chartered, professional and marketing nous is not only going to benefit us, but also our clients.

Expect to hear more from Pamela and Kreston Stanley Williamson in the near future as we provide guidance on the topics of SME growth, accounting and industry matters and how these impact your business.

This newsletter has been produced by Kreston Stanley Williamson as a service to its clients and associates. The information contained in the newsletter is of general comment only and is not intended to be advice on any particular matter. Before acting on any areas contained in this newsletter, it is imperative you seek specific advice relating to your particular circumstances. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation. 

Copyright © Kreston Stanley Williamson, All rights reserved. 

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