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KSW Insight Newsletter | November 2022
November 2022 | VOLUME 172
KSW Newsletter for clients and associates of Kreston Stanley Williamson
Is your SMSF at risk of cybercrime?
With the recent cyber attacks to Medibank Private and Optus, many of us are very concerned about our personal information being at risk. In addition, the prevalence of financial scams is increasing. Scams targeting investments were the most significant for the period ending 30 September 2022 with reported losses amounting to $292.9 million. As these investment scams continue to grow, they present a risk to all SMSF’s trustees.
Our full article here, discusses the warnings issued by the ATO and ASIC to keep you protected from potential cyber scammers.
Protecting the family home – what name should it go in?
In our December 2021 KSW Insight newsletter we discussed the very common asset protection strategy to protect the family home. This was where the home is owned in the name of one person in a marriage, while the spouse who is exposed to business risk does not have any ownership of the home (or other family assets as well). In December we explained how this strategy may no longer be successful as a result of a court case against Ms Bosanac. Now, after the recent High Court appeal on this case, this form of asset protection will be effective again where it is done in the right circumstances.
Read the full details on this here.
What happens to your mortgage when your spouse passes or becomes unable to work?
One of the biggest financial concerns couples have is determining how will they will be able to pay the mortgage should one of them pass away or become permanently incapacitated and their income is not available to help pay the mortgage.
Our full article here, discusses the insurance options available should this ever happen to you.
Kreston Stanley Williamson continues the brand refresh
Our firm has reached the final stage of an exciting milestone for our business, as we continue to evolve our brand. With adjustments to our logo and slightly different colours, our brand refresh aligns with brand changes made within the Kreston Global network itself. We are now in line with the 170 other independent firms across the global, that are also a part of the Kreston Global network.
KSW Celebrations
This week our senior manager Thanh Thanh Vo achieved a great milestone in reaching 20 years with KSW. With all significant milestones at KSW we always try to ensure our team know how much we appreciate them and their loyalty to our firm. We celebrated this special anniversary with lunch in honour of Thanh, for the whole team and the presentation of a 20 year framed anniversary certificate to Thanh. Congratulations to Thanh on a great effort.
This newsletter has been produced by Kreston Stanley Williamson as a service to its clients and associates. The information contained in the newsletter is of general comment only and is not intended to be advice on any particular matter. Before acting on any areas contained in this newsletter, it is imperative you seek specific advice relating to your particular circumstances. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.
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