March 2023 | VOLUME 176
KSW Newsletter for Clients and Associates of Kreston Stanley Williamson
Government Grants that ARE available – Sorting Out the White Noise!
In this article we discuss five Australian Federal Government grant programs worth considering for businesses. The R&D Tax Incentive, the Accelerating Commercialisation Grant, the Export Market Development Grant and the Early Stage Innovation Companies program.
Our full article here discusses in detail the select Government Grants available for your business, and answers important questions on eligibility, benefit and the application process.
Additional 15% tax on superannuation balances above $3m – how will these proposed changes affect me?
Late last month, there was an announcement proposing a new additional tax on superannuation balances above $3m from 1 July 2025, however the details were yet to be penned.
A fortnight on, the Treasury has released a fact sheet, “Better targeted superannuation concessions” on how these changes will work. The proposed 15% additional tax on superannuation balances above $3m calculation itself is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s the complexity that lies hidden beneath the water that is the creating the waves of outcry.
Our full article here delves into the proposed changes on the additional 15% tax on superannuation, and how it may potentially affect your balance.
Understanding the Main Residence Exemption and Income-Producing Homes
Navigating the tax landscape when selling your home can be challenging. However, understanding the main residence exemption, the impact of earning income on your home while you live in it, and the six-year absence rule can make the process more manageable and allow you to minimise any capital gains tax (CGT) on the sale of the property.
Our full article here covers in more detail the main residence exemption, the impact of earning income on your home while you live in it, and the six-year absence rule which is crucial for homeowners.
Understanding the Main Residence Exemption and Income-Producing Homes
Navigating the tax landscape when selling your home can be challenging. However, understanding the main residence exemption, the impact of earning income on your home while you live in it, and the six-year absence rule can make the process more manageable and allow you to minimise any capital gains tax (CGT) on the sale of the property.
Our full article here covers in more detail the main residence exemption, the impact of earning income on your home while you live in it, and the six-year absence rule which is crucial for homeowners.
This newsletter has been produced by Kreston Stanley Williamson as a service to its clients and associates. The information contained in the newsletter is of general comment only and is not intended to be advice on any particular matter. Before acting on any areas contained in this newsletter, it is imperative you seek specific advice relating to your particular circumstances. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.
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