We need an accounting firm that understands business – that’s what we get with Kreston Stanley Williamson

About Client

A well-respected accounting firm. They’ve been going for more than 35 years and have their own 30-strong team, based in Sydney.


The client provides specialist tax advice for businesses. To do this correctly, they often need to know how much the company is worth. Valuations are a complex, specialist service, which they don’t provide themselves.

What We Did

A good valuation must be reliable and technically competent, but also simple enough for both the client and advisor to understand, and get the information they need. 

So we simplified the process. The report meets all the regulatory requirements. We apply commercial sense, focusing on getting answers to their most pressing questions.


Valuation reports can be lengthy, complex documents – but ours are succinct and easier to follow. This allows us to provide a tailored solution each time, but in a cost-effective way.

What The Client Says

"Kamal is unique, because he understands our SME market and complex transactions. He can take all the clever stuff - the principles, models and legislation - and apply it to our market, giving us the practical information we need to advice our own clients."

"That’s just the kind of commercial, efficient approach we were looking for. His reports are always to a high standard, so we can rely on them if the tax office ever looks at the transaction."

"It’s also important for us to work with someone we trust, because we’re in the same industry and someone unscrupulous could try and poach our clients. We know that would never happen with Kamal."

"On the contrary - he sometimes deals with our clients directly, and he gets along with them and explains things clearly to them. We now refer clients to him for audits, as well."

"Finally, he’s very responsive - he’s there whenever we need him."

"We feel it’s a great relationship, which is why we keep on coming back!"

Read More Success Stories

Below are examples of how business owners overcame their main challenges to achieve the results they were looking for with our guidance and expertise.