March/April 2019 Newsletter



The ATO have stated that they are going to increase audit activity for FBT this year so it is important to be prepared now that the FBT year has come to a close.

Our article goes into detail on business owned motor vehicles and meal entertainment.


Trusts have become very common in Australia – family trusts, unit trusts and even hybrid trusts (which are a combination of a family trust and a unit trust).

Please read our article if you have, or are thinking about, setting up a Trust with a corporate trustee.


With the Federal Election likely to be coming up in May, now may be the time to capitalise on the certainty and look to start your SMSF’s year end planning a little earlier.

In our article we have outlined limits which can be contributed to superannuation in various ways.

Click here to read our full article.


You may recall that in our November Issue we brought to your attention that the firm is turning 50 this year!

Over the next few months we will be bringing some S&W history to the Newsletter along with profiles of our current Partners.

We are proud to offer our clients an exceptional service that has seen Stanley & Williamson withstand 50 years of business.  We again thank you and hope to do so for another 50 years.

It was time to celebrate a major achievement of our firm. We have been around for 50 years this year!

While Neil Armstrong was walking on the moon for the first time in 1969, there was something more important happening that year in Sydney, Australia!

In 1969, Bill Stanley left the firm he was a partner at (J.G Biddlecombe & Co) and joined forces with his old friend, John Gibb to form Gibb Stanley & Co, based at 32 York St, Sydney. The firm took over another firm called HA Herborn & Co and was up and running with a solid client base that would underpin the success of the firm going forward. We still have a number of clients from that time who are still with us today.

Around that time, Wes Williamson, a friend of John Gibb’s, who had been in share broking, joined them and became the third partner in the firm. Soon after, they were joined by a young Sam Shun, who would, a few years later be appointed as a partner of the firm. In 1979 John Gibb decided to leave the firm. The firm continued on with Bill, Wes and Sam as the partners and with the Gibb name taken out of the firm’s name and replaced by Williamson. The firm continued on with the new name, 3 continuing partners  and still resident in the American Express Building.

The firm has grown from 1969 to the 5 partner, 25 staff firm, that it is today. With significant tax, business services, audit, bookkeeping, management accounting, and international tax (as part of the Krestons International network) divisions,  the firm is  able to look after all needs in the small to medium size business space. We have come a long way!

On Wednesday 27th March the firm celebrated the event with partners, staff and some clients (some who had even been with us for the whole 50 years) at The Mint in Macquarie Street, Sydney. It was a special occasion during a special year. Below is a picture of our partners and team enjoying the occasion.  There is a lot more to celebrate and we plan to be around for another 50 years – although this writer will not be the one writing about it then!

We really have to take this opportunity to thank all our loyal clients who have supported us over that period – we could not have done it without you. Similarly our devoted team. We are so lucky to have such a great team who care as much about our clients as the partners do.

Here’s to the next 50 years!

Kreston Stanley Williamson Team

*Correct as of December 2019

*Disclaimer – this article has been produced by Kreston Stanley Williamson as a service to its clients and associates. The information contained in the article is of general comment only and is not intended to be advice on any particular matter. Before acting on any areas contained in this article, it is imperative you seek specific advice relating to your particular circumstances. Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation.

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