Stanley & Williamson rebrands to adopt Kreston name
Our firm Stanley & Williamson has rebranded as Kreston Stanley Williamson on 24 May 2021, adding the name of global accountancy network Kreston International as part of our identity.
“Membership of the Kreston International network has been an important part of our journey to date, and the adoption of the Kreston brand is a natural next step for the firm. We continue to evolve to meet the needs of local clients whose international footprint is being established or expanded, or global clients which are seeking to establish a presence in Australia.”
Michael Goodrick, Managing Partner
Our official announcement is (here) on our newly re-vamped website – krestonsw.com.au
For further information, contact our team on +61 2 9923 2666 or info@krestonsw.com.au
What the 2021-22 Federal Budget tax changes mean to you!
The 2021-22 Federal Budget was squarely aimed at spending to stimulate economic recovery as we emerge from Covid-19. We have summarised the items within the 2021-22 Federal Budget (full article here), which will be of interest to our clients.
A Strong Budget for SMSFs
From a SMSF perspective, this month’s Federal Budget had some welcome surprises! Our full article explains the key measures that our clients should
be aware of.
Setting up in Australia? Do you use a Branch or a Subsidiary?
When a foreign business decides to trade in Australia, one of the first decisions it needs to make is which structure will work best for them. The choice generally comes down to whether to operate through an Australian branch of their existing overseas entity, or to incorporate a subsidiary. Darren O’Malley, our head of Taxation, has analysed both options to give our clients a better understanding before making that critical decision. See Darren’s full article here.
“Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.”
Richard Branson
Correct as of 27 May 2021
This newsletter has been produced by Kreston Stanley Williamson as a service to its clients and associates. The information contained in the newsletter is of general comment only and is not intended to be advice on any particular matter. Before acting on any areas contained in this newsletter, it is imperative you seek specific advice relating to your particular circumstances. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.